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Blockchain Masterclass

By reaching a market capitalization of $1 trillion in March 2021, Bitcoin has become too big to ignore. With more banks and financial institutions getting involved in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, it is critical for corporate leaders and policy makers to understand blockchain technology and Bitcoin and how they may disrupt businesses and the legacy financial system. Over the years participants in my course included:

  • Representatives from government and government agencies

  • Executives from leading financial and engineering firms

  • Postgraduate and professional degree programs at top U.S. universities

Through a deep dive into Bitcoin, my Blockchain Masterclass provides participants across disciplines with the fundamental tools and principles to help participants understand the complexities and nuances of cryptocurrency and decentralized finance. Over two to three hours, we cover:

  • Core mechanisms behind blockchain technology

  • Bitcoin basics 

  • The comparison between Bitcoin and the legacy financial system

  • Valuation models

  • Cryptocurrency regulatory frameworks 

  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi), a fast-growing corner of the cryptocurrency ecosystem that will have far-reaching implications for the legacy banking system

Courses are customized for each audience depending on the background of participants and the areas they want to focus on.

Michigan Ross.jfif

Class for University of Michigan Ross School of Business

Presentation to Master’s in Accounting students, with greater emphasis on traceability and auditability of blockchain technology

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